Unlimited access to clubs
Global co-working membership across Aethos properties
Access to VIP hotel spaces and curated experiences
Access to private dining and private meeting spaces
Two Guests per Visit
Aethos experiences (including retreats)
Curated intros via member app
Digital pods (bubbles)
10% discount F&B all Aethos properties
Minimum 15% off best rate at all Aethos properties
Last night free in all Aethos hotels (limited to three night stays)
Complimentary upgrades at all Aethos Hotels (upon availability)
Curated travel guides and resources
In-app travel concierge
Member pricing for Aethos Yacht (Mediterranean)
Access to 50+ affiliate global members clubs
Unlimited access to clubs
Global co-working membership across Aethos properties
Access to VIP hotel spaces and curated experiences
Access to private dining and private meeting spaces
Two Guests per Visit
Aethos experiences (including retreats)
Curated intros via member app
Digital pods (bubbles)
10% discount F&B all Aethos properties
Minimum 15% off best rate at all Aethos properties
Last night free in all Aethos hotels (limited to three night stays)
Complimentary upgrades at all Aethos Hotels (upon availability)
Curated travel guides and resources
In-app travel concierge
Member pricing for Aethos Yacht (Mediterranean)
Access to 50+ affiliate global members clubs